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Philippine Military Academy Foundation, Inc.


        The Philippine Military Academy Foundation, Inc. (PMAFI) was organized and registered with the SEC in 1988 with the purpose to contribute to scholastic progress and national development.  Specifically, the PMAFI was established to help the PMA improve the quality of its instruction in search of academic excellence.  To attain its purpose, the Foundation is engaged in the following activities:


        1. Establish research grants and professorial chairs;

        2. Give scholarship grants to deserving PMA faculty members;

        3. Sponsor seminars, symposia and training programs; and

       4. Assist in strengthening the library, laboratory and other PMA facilities.    


       The Foundation has been supporting the Faculty Improvement Program (FIP) of the PMA whereby selected faculty members are allowed to study in the evening in any of the colleges and universities in Baguio to pursue masters and doctorate degree programs and undergraduate studies in computer science, engineering and law.  Grantees are given funds for actual tuition fee and other school expenses plus book allowance of P3,000.00 per semester/term.


         They are also given allowance for thesis and dissertation writing at P15,000.00 and P20,000.00, respectively. Section 22k CA1 scholars of the AFP who are projected as PMA instructors are also given a supplemental stipend of P10,000.00 per semester/ term plus book allowance of P3,000.00


        The PMAFI has supported professorial chair grants and research projects, donated computers and other training equipment and books to the Academy. It has also supported financially the conduct of seminars for the faculty and the improvement of classrooms. The PMAFI fund support to PMA is about P5 million yearly.


       The Foundation’s activities are being supported thru the contributions of members, donations of friends of the Academy, endowment funds from professorial chair donors, and fund-raising campaigns. 


          The PMAFI, as a foundation, was registered with the BIR as a tax-exempt donee institution in accordance with BIR-NEDA Regulations No. 1-81 and is entitled to the benefits set forth in Section 30(E) of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as amended. 

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