PMAAA Foundation for Truth & Justice, Inc. (PFTJI)
The PMAAA Foundation for Truth and Justice, Inc. (PFTJI) was organized in 2004 to support the objectives of the PMAAAI in providing legal assistance and services to deserving regular members of the PMAAAI who are facing criminal, civil and/or administrative charges before any courts, administrative bodies or any other tribunals for acts done in connection with or arising from the lawful performance of official duty, or who are victims of injustice, by providing them funds, material aid of any kind, technical assistance, organizational support and other suitable forms of assistance.
Among the cases not covered in the financial assistance are violations of the Articles of War, Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, Dangerous Drugs Act, Anti-Plunder Act, Coup D’Etat and other crimes involving moral turpitude.
This legal assistance program was started in the 90’s by the PMAAAI which established a Special Fund for Truth and Justice (SFTJ) to help regular members who are charged in court for offenses allegedly committed in the performance of their duties.
The PMAAAI spun off this program in 2004 by organizing the PFTJI as a separate foundation, to avail of tax exemption privileges as a tax-exempt donee institution, and transferred to the Foundation its special fund of more than P4 million.
The PFTJI gives a financial assistance of P30,000.00, which has recently been increased to P50,000.00, to any PMAAAI regular member, who must be a member of the Foundation, charged in court to help finance his legal defense.